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Learning Can Be Fun Workshops

Benefits for students: 

  • They experience the words of a great scientist/ scholar talking directly to them and see that they easily understand what is being said.

  • They see that their subjects are actually very interesting and are motivated to explore beyond their textbooks.

  • They become proficient in an efficient, effortless way of learning that they can apply to any subject for the rest of their lives.

  • Their self-confidence is strengthened by their ability to think and learn on their own.

These are online/ offline, 2-hour, contemplative, activity-and-discussions-based workshops for children of 8th standard and above. The workshops take the students through a very powerful process of learning while they work with ideas that are way beyond their school curriculum. 


The five workshops under this heading are:


Physics Can Be Fun!
Abridged from the first chapter of the Nobel-Prize-Winning Physicist Richard Feynman’s ‘Lectures On Physics’.


Chemistry Can Be Fun!
Abridged from Michael Faraday's lectures on the 'Chemical History of a Candle' from 1861.


History Can Be Fun!
Excerpted from an essay by the great scholar Dharampal on the state of India in 1750. Dharampal's work, based on his decades-long study of British archival material, can help break the false narratives about India  propogated by modern historians. 
Biology Can Be Fun! 
Abridged from the chapter on natural selection in Charles Darwin's world-changing book 'On the Origin of Species'.


Mathematics Can Be Fun!

(under development)


Any one workshop –            Rs 900/

Any two workshops –          Rs 1700/

Any three workshops –      Rs 2400/

Any four workshops –         Rs 3000/

All five workshops –            Rs 3500/


We recommend that a student goes through all five workshops. At the very least, three workshops are probably needed to make the student conversant with the learning process that he/she can apply to other subjects on their own.


Contact us for information/ registration.

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